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How To Include A Zip File Inside A Jpg Picture

This is a very interesting post for you all.In this tutorial I am going to tell you that how you can put a ZIP file inside a JPG image. Isn't that sounds interesting ?

Note : This is not my method, it is just a copy paste tutorial. Thanks to "Antilag" for this trick.

So lets start :

1. Create a folder
2. Place your zip (for example file inside that folder and a jpg (for example test.jpg) picture you want to use.
3. Open command prompt and navigate to that folder
4. Type COPY /B test.jpg + final.jpg

It will create a jpg file name final.jpg

And if you change its ending to .zip you can extract it and reveal the secret zip file.

That's it You are done !! Enjoy !

Antilag says : I just did some testing and I found out that if you upload this picture to a image host site and save it to your computer not through save picture as..
but download the picture with a download manager you can extract the zip file from the picture...

This means you can host zip files on image hosting sites.. :)

Here is an Example of this technique just download this with a download manager and open with WINRAR .


iv given dis trick in my blog few days back..its a cool one..btw there r methods 2 hide an image into a text file and vice versa...will b giving it soon on my blog...u know template is so gud i was thinkin of making this mine also ;)

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